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Dickel-Holz : Company

1948: Master carpenter Ludwig Dickel founds a carpenter's shop

1959: Founding of the sawmill. Building of a hall with a sash gang saw

1987: Expansion of the works site. Building of more halls

1996: Rebuilding of the sawmill on the basis of the latest standards

1998: Expansion of kiln capacities

2006: Extension of the log yard 

2007: Extension of the production line regarding performance and the yield of resources 

2008: Additional kiln capacities and installation of a timber grading line especially for KD products. New boardedger and trimming line with twice as much capacity 

2010: Modification of the sorting line regarding standard sizes 

2012: Enlargement of the company premises 

2013: Start of the KVH® production plant. Additional kiln capacities. New biomass heating system 

2014: Enlargement of the company premises. New construction of the biomass stock including a technical preparation